let the stars
be your guide
Let the breath
be your prayer
The Stage is Set for a Breakthrough
They call February the month of love...but it's going to be a whole lot more than that in 2019. February is going to be more like the Month of Major Breakthroughs. We have several planets meeting in the sky and their combined energies are creating a very interesting cosmic dance.
What is Evolutionary Astrology?
What is Evolutionary Astrology? Evolutionary Astrology is a study of the soul. It is a style of astrology that asks some of the most commonly asked questions known to man, such as, “Why am I here?”, “What are my lessons?”, and “How do I evolve?”.
Recurring Dream- A Poem from My Younger Self
I found this old poem of mine when I was cleaning my office this morning, and a piece of paper fell to the floor at my feet. I wrote this poem when I was around 25-27 years old, circa 2000-2002. It was a time when I lived in Baltimore City and was actively involved in the arts scene.
The Gift of Retrogrades
It seems to me that when a planet goes into retrograde, many articles I read on the subject tell tales of dread, darkness, and collapse. I always wonder about this.
First of all, this is not how I experience retrogrades. I experience them as wonderful opportunities.
A Journey with Spirit- The Breathing Window
I have fond memories of my childhood. I grew up on a small farm where my father gardened and my mother read me nursery rhymes to fall asleep, my brother was my playmate and my sister was always leading by example. As the youngest child, I often felt cared for and protected. Our lives revolved …
New Moon in Cancer Solar Eclipse- July 12 2018
Take comfort in that which is familiar. There is consciousness in recognition. Re-cognition. Re-knowing something. Knowing something in a new way. When something old and painful, familiar and challenging enters your space, this is one of the greatest opportunities for healing, for finding a new freedom in relationship to it. Each time the familiar wound …