let the stars

be your guide

Let the breath

be your prayer

Venus Enters Pisces
Uncategorized, Astrology, Reiki Ally Ayala Uncategorized, Astrology, Reiki Ally Ayala

Venus Enters Pisces

This is the perfect medicine for this moment.

I step off of the bridge of light and find myself on a sunlit path. The white wolf is in front of me making sure I am following her, and a hummingbird flutters beside my shoulder. I can sense Jesus and Mother Mary behind me. They guide me to a beautiful garden, lush with colorful aromas and blossoming scents. I sit down on the bench with Mother Mary and I understand that I am in the Garden of Forgiveness.

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Welcome to the Air Age
Astrology Ally Ayala Astrology Ally Ayala

Welcome to the Air Age

Traditionally, Saturn is a planet that teaches us about the kind of commitment, boundaries and discipline needed to really mature in the world.  As with all things in astrology, a lot depends on how Saturn shows up in your birth chart…but in general, Saturn is a strict teacher that says, “You might not like this very much, but it has to be done, and once you get through it, you’ll be stronger and wiser.”  Saturn is full of grit.  It’s tough.  It shows you limitations.  It makes you work inside of clock time and calendar time with practical honesty…and it makes you grow through experience.

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Eclipse Season: The Illusion of Truth
Astrology Ally Ayala Astrology Ally Ayala

Eclipse Season: The Illusion of Truth

Mercury is going out of bounds today. A planet is considered to be OOB when its declination in the sky is beyond 23°27’. In this position, the planet is outside the boundary limits of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun. It has reached the peak of one of its cycles. Mercury begins this stretch beyond a declination of 23°27’ in Sagittarius and does not return to its normal declination until January 4 2021 when it will be in the sign of Capricorn. This is a really long time for the messenger of the gods to be exploring the outer limits of its domain.

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Eclipse Season: Riding the Dragon
Astrology Ally Ayala Astrology Ally Ayala

Eclipse Season: Riding the Dragon

In ancient times, eclipses were thought to come in the form of a dragon that swallowed the sun, evoking a mixture of fear, reverence and awe. The head of the dragon is called Rahu and the tail of the dragon is called Setu. Rahu takes us into the material and mundane parts of the world. Setu releases us out of the physical world and into the world of spirit.

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The Astrology of Hard Times
Uncategorized Ally Ayala Uncategorized Ally Ayala

The Astrology of Hard Times

I've known for months that the month of March 2020 was going to be particularly trying time, especially this week, March 16-23. I wasn't sure exactly how the energy would manifest, but I can remember looking at the astrological line-up and thinking, "This is going to be big and difficult."

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