Eclipse Season: Riding the Dragon

If you were to encounter a dragon, what would you do?

Would you run and hide?

Would you attempt to find its weakness in order to slay it?

Would you befriend it?

Would you have the courage to ride it?

I like to think that I would be a dragon rider, or at the very least, a ally.

In ancient times, eclipses were thought to come in the form of a dragon that swallowed the sun, evoking a mixture of fear, reverence and awe. The head of the dragon is called Rahu and the tail of the dragon is called Setu. Rahu takes us into the material and mundane parts of the world. Setu releases us out of the physical world and into the world of spirit.

Rahu or The North Node

For more modern astrologers, the head of the dragon refers to the North Node of the Moon, and the tail of the dragon refers to the South Node. The North Node indicates an upward movement of energy; an increase; an appetite, hunger or desire; a point of moving towards something. It can also bestow a blessing or a special strength. The South Node indicates a downward movement of energy; a place of release, shedding, or surrender; a point of moving away from something.

Setu or The South Node

On November 30, we entered this eclipse energy on the head of the dragon, Rahu at 8-degrees of Gemini and are now moving towards a total solar eclipse on the tail, Setu on December 14 at 23-degrees of Sagittarius. The dragon and/or nodal axis will remain in the signs of Gemini (North, head) and Sagittarius (South, tail) from May 2020 through January 2022. What if we entered into this eclipse season (and this entire nodal axis) with the dragon by our side as a trusted guide showing us the way?

Perhaps, the invitation is a cosmic nudge to increase the Gemini themes of learning, reading, writing, and language while also surrendering into a release around the Sagittarius themes of faith, philosophy, beliefs, and travel.

If you consider the themes of Gemini in your own life, for example, learning through play, gathering information and disseminating it, reading and writing, curiosity- how are they transforming for you right now? Do you have a new curiosity that you feel guided to explore? Do you want to tell people about it? Do you have a hunger to read, write and learn that feels almost insatiable....if so, that might be the head of the dragon guiding you towards your point of greatest growth during this period of time. Pay attention. Observe what wants to enter your life. Make room for it.

At the same time, maybe you are having an experience of shedding or letting go around the Sagittarian topics of faith, philosophy and beliefs. Take a moment to consider how these topics are changing for you. Are your beliefs changing? Are you shedding outdated beliefs and exploring new ways of learning? Maybe this is the tail of the dragon showing you what you need to release in order to grow and expand in ways that you might not have imagined before. Observe what is naturally falling away from you. Don't hold on. Don't grip or cling to things on their way out. Just let go.

Unlike most new moons, this new moon is not a time to start new endeavors. I would also say that this is not a time for ceremony, intention setting, or ritual work. I try to honor eclipses from a place of humility and observation.

This is a time to let go of outdated beliefs that may be limiting in some way. This is a potent time of transition and change. Listen deeply. The voice of knowing whispers inside of you. Stay on the pulse of the moment. Ride the wind of your breath. Be the observer and integrate the messages that arise into your life. New growth wants to occur. Be patient. We live in a loving universe that is always showing us our greatest potential if we only stop to look and listen with our hearts. Have faith. Play.

If you would like to look at your birth charts and chat about how these eclipses are showing up in your life, you can schedule astrology consultations at

In the meantime, find your dragon. Trust him. Go for a ride and enjoy the wind!


Ally Ayala

This article was written by Ally Ayala, a professional astrologer and certified life coach. In her blogs, Ally shares practical insights into how the energies of the universe manifest in everyday life, even in the seemingly small moments that can carry profound significance. Her goal is to make astrology an integral part of our daily awareness.

Ally offers private astrology consultations for individuals, couples, and families. For more information, please visit her website.

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