let the stars

be your guide

Let the breath

be your prayer

Big Dreams, Little Details
Astrology Ally Ayala Astrology Ally Ayala

Big Dreams, Little Details

On January 11, 2025, the nodal axis shifts into the Pisces/Virgo polarity renowned for its potential in healing and service, compassion and humility. The North Node in Pisces encourages a hopeful exploration of dreams, imagination, and the interconnectedness of all beings. Simultaneously, the South Node in Virgo prompts a discerning look at the places where shame, unworthiness, and dissatisfaction reside so that healing may occur. As the nodes traverse this axis, an alchemical blend of Pisces' visionary, poetic mysticism and Virgo's practical, methodical process will be required. This is a beautiful channel for manifestation- what begins in the imagination flows into the material world. It is the little details that make the big dreams come true.

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Pluto in Aquarius 2024-2044
Astrology Ally Ayala Astrology Ally Ayala

Pluto in Aquarius 2024-2044

As one of the slower moving outer planets, Pluto is known to influence the collective consciousness and generational patterns in significant ways. Small but mighty, the archetypal energy of Pluto is that of the astrological shaman. His mission is to dig deep into the personal and collective unconscious to illuminate hidden shadow material, especially in regard to power dynamics, and transform it into something of value. Oftentimes, this is not an easy or comfortable process, but it is necessary for growth and healing.

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Astrology for Healing and Awareness
Astrology Ally Ayala Astrology Ally Ayala

Astrology for Healing and Awareness

Turning towards the Heavens with a truth seeking heart and a curious mind is as natural as breath. Studying the night sky to discover patterns of movement is as old as Time itself and has been a source of inspiration and guidance since the beginning of civilizations. This is the place we return to again and again as we search for answers and find questions, igniting feelings of awe in a grand design larger than the self. The night sky reminds us of our smallness and our complexity, and our beauty and our uniqueness.

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The Lotus Blossoms- The Venus-Jupiter Conjunction of 2022
Astrology Ally Ayala Astrology Ally Ayala

The Lotus Blossoms- The Venus-Jupiter Conjunction of 2022

I have worked with the lotus flower as an image of the primordial goddess energy for about six months, and it's been a subtle transmission of wisdom- gentle in its unfolding, graceful in its ascent towards the light of full expression-much like the flower itself. When I think of how the winter of 2022 literally challenged me to my core, and at times brought me to my knees, only to now be guided into the energies of this last week in April, I cannot help but feel the lotus flower within me. After months in the muck, I feel her blossoming now in my heart of hearts.

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Full Moon at 27-Leo Squaring the Lunar Nodes
Astrology Ally Ayala Astrology Ally Ayala

Full Moon at 27-Leo Squaring the Lunar Nodes

This Full Moon in Leo feels pretty “eclipsey” to me. There is a feeling of things ending and beginning allowing for surprising fresh starts and exciting growth. It is entirely possible that some of the things falling away may be long term commitments to which you hold some loyalty, and so the turn of events may be shocking in some way. However, the opportunities arising are too good to ignore.

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