Pluto in Aquarius 2024-2044

The Power of Technology in the Aquarian Age

As one of the slower moving outer planets, Pluto is known to influence the collective consciousness and generational patterns in significant ways. Small but mighty, the archetypal energy of Pluto is that of the astrological shaman. His mission is to dig deep into the personal and collective unconscious to illuminate hidden shadow material, especially in regard to power dynamics, and transform it into something of value. Oftentimes, this is not an easy or comfortable process, but it is necessary for growth and healing.

Historically speaking, Pluto transits have the potential to break down societal structures that are corrupt or unsustainable in some way which then leads to the opportunity to rebuild with more awareness and integrity. A good example of this, and one that many of us remember, is when Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008 and parts of the US banking system fell due to unsustainable lending practices. Now, as Pluto enters Aquarius, the big question presented to humanity at this time centers around the power of technology.

We live in an “attention economy” in which Big Tech has figured out how to monetize the time and attention of people by making an art out of desire and distraction. Children are among the most vulnerable as we are not entirely sure how this affects their brain development over the long term. They are growing up connected to devices with unlimited amounts of information where streaming services rule the day and scrolling opportunities are literally endless. Most people are connected to some form of social media, which has been proven to be both addictive and divisive. Meanwhile, there are numerous studies that prove how detrimental all of this is to mental health, and yet we continue down the rabbit hole into a future with AI. There are serious, important debates about the ethics of AI and how it could potentially impact humanity happening right now. These are all very big Pluto in Aquarius themes that we will be dealing with for the next 20 years or so.

Once Pluto enters Aquarius in November of this year, Pluto will remain in Aquarius until March 2043. During that time, humanity will go through a tremendous amount of transformation. When looking back at history, Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1778-1798 a time that marked both the French and American revolutions. If we travel back even further in time, Pluto was also in Aquarius from 1532 to 1553 during which time the Protestant Reformation challenged the power and beliefs of the Catholic Church.

All of these are examples of Aquarius as the revolutionary and the visionary. They are examples of the everyday common man joining hands with others just like him (a very Aquarian image) to rise up against the ruling authority in order to create a new vision for the future, one in which they break free from the limitations handed down by those in power and live with more humanitarian ideals. Perhaps this is on the horizon for all of us again?

An Opportunity to Dismantle Long Held Limiting Beliefs

On a more individual level, some of you will experience a Pluto transit to one of your personal planets- the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, or Mars. Aquarius is a Fixed Air sign traditionally ruled by Saturn while also having Uranus as its modern ruler. Fixed Air suggests rigidity in thoughts or belief systems.

The mind can be so strong that you think you are your mind. And you are not. There is something beneath the mind, beneath the thoughts. It is an essential presence- unwavering, pure, abiding in nature. And through growing and living, layers are placed upon this essential presence. Sometimes these layers are out of protection, and they serve you well. Sometimes these layers come from education and learning, or they can be rooted in survival mechanisms. The layers themselves are not the problem. The issue lies more in the identification with the layers as the self. Within the Aquarian archetype, these thought patterns and beliefs can be resistant to change and take on a holding pattern.

A Pluto transit has the potential to bring these layers to the surface so that they can be transformed or released, allowing for more contact with an essential part of your inner nature. You may relate to previous ways of thinking in a new way- perhaps thanking them and releasing them entirely, perhaps transforming them into a source of power. How you relate to the material that surfaces is entirely up to you, however, Pluto does invite transformation for the sake of empowering you to new levels of awareness. Old identities may be stripped away so that a rebirth can occur.

The opportunity here is to dive deep into the unconscious material of your thought processes and how they may be limiting you in ways that are currently unrealized. This then leads to the possibility of liberation from these patterns to create a new vision for the future. These dynamics are at the core of the Aquarian archetype, and Pluto is a perfect planetary match for activating their potential. The process I'm describing here is a very internal one. However, Pluto transits can also manifest as external events that change your circumstances in such a way that who you were is no longer who you are. This can correspond to times of grief, loss or feelings of powerlessness to change your circumstances. This can be a necessary part of the process as one way of life gives way to a new way of life.

Pluto transits are often challenging. This is not easy work to do. They can be extremely powerful in their capacity to transform your life. Make sure to have appropriate support systems in place to help carry you through times of transformation and deep change. Reach out to friends and loved ones, even the ones who always seem strong and capable. Caring for each other in community can be extremely helpful and friendship is one of the great gifts that Aquarius gives to us. If you would like to speak to a professional astrologer during this time, please feel free to reach out to me or visit to schedule a session with me.

Ally Ayala

This article was written by Ally Ayala, a professional astrologer and certified life coach. In her blogs, Ally shares practical insights into how the energies of the universe manifest in everyday life, even in the seemingly small moments that can carry profound significance. Her goal is to make astrology an integral part of our daily awareness.

Ally offers private astrology consultations for individuals, couples, and families. For more information, please visit her website.

Full Moon in Sagittarius


Astrology for Healing and Awareness