Astrology for Healing and Awareness
Turning towards the Heavens with a truth seeking heart and a curious mind is as natural as breath. Studying the night sky to discover patterns of movement is as old as Time itself and has been a source of inspiration and guidance since the beginning of civilizations. This is the place we return to again and again as we search for answers and find questions, igniting feelings of awe in a grand design larger than the self. The night sky reminds us of our smallness and our complexity, and our beauty and our uniqueness.
As one studies the planets and their movements through space and time, inner awareness of how planetary energies express themselves grows in rhythm with outer experience. A genuine understanding of how astrology shows up in real time, and how these energies flow in everyday life begins to emerge. In many ways, astrology invites you to become a holy witness to your own divine nature and to be a conscious participant in the path unfolding before you. The connection between Heaven and Earth, body and soul, and the unique expression of your life becomes clear. You are a channel for enlightened living. And astrology gifts you with divine timing, deep wisdom, and trust in a greater plan unfolding. For many this awareness only grows over time, providing a deeper, more robust pathway for authentic expression in the world.
The invitation into a deeper relationship with the cosmos is profoundly healing for the parts of you that have felt splintered, alienated or rejected from your own Wholeness. This partnership with the Heavens, and the empowerment to choose your direction inside of this partnership, is a profoundly different world view than one founded in a sense of separation and dominion. Where estrangement, judgment, and disconnect may have resided before, there is now a deeply soul-nourishing partnership of “as above, so below”. This union of Heaven and Earth within each of us invites us into an experience where we are made up of the Cosmos, as is the world around us. The realization comes that the individual journey and the world events unfolding through time, are a direct reflection of how these invisible forces move through Life.
When using astrology as a practice for healing, there are three primary areas of focus:
The natal chart- a geometric blueprint of the planetary positions at the time of a person’s birth. This provides insight into the potential themes, archetypes and events inside of the individual journey, as well as a look into an individual’s psycho-spiritual behaviors and tendencies.
Personal transits- As the planets orbit, they continue to make connections and geometric alignments to the original position of the planets in the natal chart. These transits correspond to unfolding events within the person’s life, and those unfolding events are a reflection of the archetypal energies of the planets involved.
World transits- The positions of the planets in relation to the Earth at any given time. These larger world transits show the correlation between the archetypal energies of the planets and the world events that are unfolding. This focuses more on collective energies, patterns and events in world history.
The study of archetypal potentials of the planets and their movement through the sky matched with the direct observation of how those potentials manifest within your life creates an experience of alignment between inner and outer forces that is deeply transformative and profoundly empowering. With the birth chart as an anchor of sorts, a central axis around which everything spins, the path ahead, the path behind, above, below and within, is clear. Where there once may have been a lack of direction and guidance, one now has a more clear sense of self and a map for the terrain.
When you are really looking, really paying attention to the movement of the planets through the Heavens, while also having some awareness of how those planets are touching each other, and you through your own birth chart, the lived experience…the actual unfolding of life within you and around you…is undeniable. Once you acquire the language and the lens through which to look, the correlation is clear, honest and reliable.
As Jung says, “Whatever is born or done at this particular moment of time has the quality of this moment of time.” I honestly believe that every moment is a gift and to have a human life is an exceptionally rare gift. To be given a mind that can relate to this reflection of planetary energies is to be given the power to choose how we interact with them, either consciously or unconsciously. You may be aware…you may not be aware. However, your awareness is not required. It still happens. These invisible motivating forces still move through us, through time. And then when awareness comes, it is as if a light is lit within you- a light of recognition. A Holy (or wholly) “Yes…I see now. It makes so much sense,” emerges, and you feel seen and you feel understood in a way that is deeply acknowledging, deeply validating and deeply healing.
My name is Ally Ayala and I am an astrologer and life coach. Please visit my website at to find out more about my services. I would love to sit with you and share the journey through the cosmos together.