let the stars

be your guide

Let the breath

be your prayer

Astrology for Healing and Awareness
Astrology Ally Ayala Astrology Ally Ayala

Astrology for Healing and Awareness

Turning towards the Heavens with a truth seeking heart and a curious mind is as natural as breath. Studying the night sky to discover patterns of movement is as old as Time itself and has been a source of inspiration and guidance since the beginning of civilizations. This is the place we return to again and again as we search for answers and find questions, igniting feelings of awe in a grand design larger than the self. The night sky reminds us of our smallness and our complexity, and our beauty and our uniqueness.

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Venus Retrograde in Capricorn 2021-22
Ally Ayala Ally Ayala

Venus Retrograde in Capricorn 2021-22

Are you curious to learn how Venus is all around, inviting you to enjoy the simple pleasures of life? Enjoy this summary of the Venus Retrograde in Capricorn cycle of 2021-2022 to make the most of the energy available.

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Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus
Ally Ayala Ally Ayala

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus

On Friday, November 19 there will be a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 27-Taurus, and it could be a bit of a wild ride….so buckle up! This is the first eclipse in the Taurus-Scorpio polarity, a storyline that will unfold through October 2023.

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Venus Enters Pisces
Uncategorized, Astrology, Reiki Ally Ayala Uncategorized, Astrology, Reiki Ally Ayala

Venus Enters Pisces

This is the perfect medicine for this moment.

I step off of the bridge of light and find myself on a sunlit path. The white wolf is in front of me making sure I am following her, and a hummingbird flutters beside my shoulder. I can sense Jesus and Mother Mary behind me. They guide me to a beautiful garden, lush with colorful aromas and blossoming scents. I sit down on the bench with Mother Mary and I understand that I am in the Garden of Forgiveness.

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Pluto Stations Direct in 20° Capricorn
Uncategorized Ally Ayala Uncategorized Ally Ayala

Pluto Stations Direct in 20° Capricorn

Written October 2, 2019, As Pluto turns direct in 20 degrees of Capricorn on the same day that Mercury enters Scorpio, this quote from Carl Jung may be a helpful reminder of how to work with the times. ⁣⁣“That which we most need to find is where we least want to look.”⁣⁣Yes....Pluto can feel emotionally heavy. He asks us to do a lot of heavy lifting by entering the shadows of our psyches to find the treasures hidden within. Mercury in Scorpio will help with this task.

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