Full Moon in Sagittarius

Peonies bloom inside the Full Moon in Sagittarius

The Moon will enter her Fullest Expression in the optimistic, cheery and philosophical sign of Sagittarius on May 23, 9:54 AM EST. This is one of my favorite Full Moons of the entire year because I was born under a Sagittarius Moon, and for that I am so, so grateful.

This lunation is ruled by bountiful, generous Jupiter who has the sweet company of Venus at the 29th degree of Taurus. Their fused energy endows this time with beauty, prosperity, wisdom, creativity, a sense of adventure, and perhaps most important, stable, mature relationships rooted in faith. Jupiter and Venus are also receiving a sweet sextile from Neptune in Pisces providing a soft, etheric, and compassionate quality to relationships at this time.

The Sun in Gemini and the Moon in Sag are receiving a flowing, harmonious trine/sextile aspect from Pluto Rx in Aquarius which arrives like a breath of fresh air, allowing for regenerative fulfillment and deep release of old patterns. Let go of the struggle, and appreciate the beautiful people who bring joy and light into your life!

Of all the Moons this year, this one feels especially significant for cultivating hope, peace, and gentle connection with others. Allow your heart to blossom with trust that life is unfolding as it should. Hold a vision in the higher realms of consciousness that heaven on earth is possible, that peace on earth is possible. Allow your prayers to float upon the wings of angels. Sing songs of praise for that which you hold most dear.

May your day and night be blessed with grace. May you come to realize that you are and have always been the embodiment of love.

Be stable, be kind.

Many, many blessings- Ally

Ally Ayala

This article was written by Ally Ayala, a professional astrologer and certified life coach. In her blogs, Ally shares practical insights into how the energies of the universe manifest in everyday life, even in the seemingly small moments that can carry profound significance. Her goal is to make astrology an integral part of our daily awareness.

Ally offers private astrology consultations for individuals, couples, and families. For more information, please visit her website.


First Quarter Moon in Virgo


Pluto in Aquarius 2024-2044