let the stars

be your guide

Let the breath

be your prayer

The Astrology of Hard Times
Uncategorized Ally Ayala Uncategorized Ally Ayala

The Astrology of Hard Times

I've known for months that the month of March 2020 was going to be particularly trying time, especially this week, March 16-23. I wasn't sure exactly how the energy would manifest, but I can remember looking at the astrological line-up and thinking, "This is going to be big and difficult."

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Reiki Journeys through Pregnancy: What I Observed As the Practitioner
Reiki Ally Ayala Reiki Ally Ayala

Reiki Journeys through Pregnancy: What I Observed As the Practitioner

Maddie first came to my office, when she was just 5 weeks pregnant. As she shared the news of her pregnancy with me, she was a beautiful blend of celebration, excitement and nerves. She very much arrived that first day with an unspoken delight, as if she wanted to shout her news from the rooftops...but she knew she couldn't, at least not yet. This joy was matched by a completely understandable anxiety...the kind of fear that can only come when you love something so truly and deeply that you never want to lose it.

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What is a Reiki Journey?
Reiki Ally Ayala Reiki Ally Ayala

What is a Reiki Journey?

A reiki journey is an advanced reiki technique that involves entering a deep meditative state in order to connect with your authentic self and higher states of consciousness.  The journey is oftentimes an extra sensory experience (meaning beyond the 5 senses) that happens inside of the imagination and/or intuition.In the Fall 2018 Reiki News Magazine article, “Reiki for Spiritual Guidance”, by Colleen and Robyn Benelli, the journey state is defined as “when a person enters an altered state of consciousness to connect with other spiritual dimensions and spiritual guides.

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Mercury Retrograde Partners  with Mars in Capricorn
Uncategorized Ally Ayala Uncategorized Ally Ayala

Mercury Retrograde Partners with Mars in Capricorn

The alarm sounds in the dark of morning, and all of the things you have to do immediately fill your mind...but the covers feel oh so warm and inviting. You were dreaming about reaching great heights and exploring unknown terrains. It was a nice dream filled with curiosity and movement. There was a sense of progress and ascension.  You don't want to leave this world yet...you wonder what's behind the next door.  And yet, you must go.  You have things to do.

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