let the stars

be your guide

Let the breath

be your prayer

Jupiter in Capricorn
Uncategorized Ally Ayala Uncategorized Ally Ayala

Jupiter in Capricorn

Jupiter is big and bold and give us hope. Jupiter is the energy behind inspiration. Take a moment to remember how you felt the last time you were really inspired by someone. Maybe it filled you with hope? Maybe it filled you with ideas about how you could make the world a better place?

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Reiki and Breathwork
Reiki, Breathwork Ally Ayala Reiki, Breathwork Ally Ayala

Reiki and Breathwork

A lot of people ask me, "How do you combine Reiki with Breathwork?" Well, to start, let's look at the word reiki itself. And then, we will consider how I combine it with breathwork.The word reiki combines two Japanese kanji- Rei, which means "Spiritual Wisdom or Divinely Guided or From Heaven" and Ki- which means "life force" and is the same as prana, chi or energy

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Out of Bounds Planets
Uncategorized Ally Ayala Uncategorized Ally Ayala

Out of Bounds Planets

What is an Out-of-Bounds (OOB) planet? A planet is considered to be OOB when its declination in the sky is beyond 23°27’. In this position, the planet is outside the boundary limits of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun.

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This Full Moon is Everything to Me
Uncategorized Ally Ayala Uncategorized Ally Ayala

This Full Moon is Everything to Me

I love astrology. I really do. I've seen so many articles posted about today's Full Moon in Aries and they are all chock full of good advice and valuable information describing the energies at play. But my favorite thing to do is to see how it moves through my life.....and this full moon is everything to me.

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What is a Uranus Opposition
Uncategorized Ally Ayala Uncategorized Ally Ayala

What is a Uranus Opposition

So.....What is a Uranus opposition? Well, in Astrology, a Uranus opposition happens around the age of 42 and it is the time when Uranus comes into the exact opposite position in the sky from the moment you were born.  So...how does that show up in life?  Uranus is a disruptor.  He brings a mix of chaos and change.  He likes to hold tension inside of the current structures of your life until what isn't working collapses so that something new can emerge.

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What is contentment?
Uncategorized Ally Ayala Uncategorized Ally Ayala

What is contentment?

What is contentment? What does contentment feel like in my body? ...in my heart? What words fill my mind when I'm feeling content? Where does contentment come from? And...How do I combine it with my everyday activities? These are the questions I’ve been resonating with lately and taking into my reiki journeys.

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