Jupiter in Capricorn

E72EA488-B7E0-4F2A-9BD3-EB0DEE061901I love Jupiter. It’s my favorite planet. Maybe as an astrologer I should try to be more neutral about these things but the truth is....I just love Jupiter.

Jupiter is big and bold and give us hope. Jupiter is the energy behind inspiration. Take a moment to remember how you felt the last time you were really inspired by someone. Maybe it filled you with hope?  Maybe it filled you with ideas about how you could make the world a better place?

That’s Jupiter energy.

It provides that cosmic nudge to be the best versions of ourselves. It shows up as a willingness to explore new ways of being and thinking in the world. Jupiter carries us to new places, new people, new ideas. All the while, encouraging us to have faith in the big picture and to rest in the knowing that we all have a divine purpose. The quest to discovering that purpose is what makes life beautiful, and Jupiter is at the heart of the quest.

So....the big astrological news of the day is that Jupiter has left its home sign of Sagittarius and has now entered into the sign of Capricorn for the first time since 2008.

Remember 2008?

There was a big banking crisis and the government bailed the banks out.

It was also the year that Barack Obama’s small whisper of “yes we can” grew into a roar. And we elected our first African American president.  This “yes we can” chant (and the power it had to mobilize people into action) is a wonderful example of healthy Jupiter in Capricorn energy.

Jupiter’s natural enthusiasm can oftentimes feel quelled in the serious, cautious sign of Capricorn, but they do work together really well sometimes. Sure...Capricorn lives by the old adage, “the proof is in the pudding,” and Jupiter doesn’t need proof.  It just needs the possibility. Capricorn might argue that it doesn’t have time for “possibility” because it’s too busy getting the job done.

So, right off the bat, we see that this is an interesting synergy. Do they still synergize? Absolutely.

The key is to focus the energy of potential (Jupiter) through the lens of realism (Capricorn).

This is a powerful time to be intentional about disciplined growth. What change is really needed and how do those changes become reality? Be honest with yourself. Tell the truth.

There is a real opportunity to make lasting, necessary transformation but it will only come through hard work and honesty...

...especially considering the line up of planets that have been hanging out in Capricorn for some time now.  We have Pluto (here since 2008), Saturn (here since the end of 2017), the South Node and a couple of eclipses (over the past year) all in Capricorn.  Each one has laid the groundwork for Jupiter to join them and play his part during this pivotal time.

During its journey through Capricorn over the next year, Jupiter will make contact with each one of these celestial bodies at some point in time.

It is good to know where (which house) Capricorn lands in your chart. This area of your life will be the focus of some major transformation over the next year.

It is also good to know if you have any natal planets that are aspecting the planets in Capricorn. For those of you with the Earthy signs of Taurus and Virgo present in your chart, these transformations may flow in naturally and with ease.

For those of you with planets in Aries, Libra and Cancer, there may be challenges. However these challenges are necessary for your growth and development. If Capricorn does anything, it definitely develops character through hard work and consistency both of which lead to a level of mastery over one’s life.

If you would like to talk about your chart and how these energies are showing up in your life, I’m here for you. DM me. Link is in the bio.

Enjoy the Jupiter in Capricorn energy this year. Even though this planet-sign partnership doesn’t always get the best press, I encourage you to give it a chance.

Remember- disciplined growth based in honesty and realism.

You’ll be just fine.

Ally Ayala

This article was written by Ally Ayala, a professional astrologer and certified life coach. In her blogs, Ally shares practical insights into how the energies of the universe manifest in everyday life, even in the seemingly small moments that can carry profound significance. Her goal is to make astrology an integral part of our daily awareness.

Ally offers private astrology consultations for individuals, couples, and families. For more information, please visit her website.


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