What is a Uranus Opposition



So.....What is a Uranus opposition? Well, in Astrology, a Uranus opposition happens around the age of 42 and it is the time when Uranus comes into the exact opposite position in the sky from the moment you were born.  So...how does that show up in life?  Uranus is a disruptor.  He brings a mix of chaos and change.  He likes to hold tension inside of the current structures of your life until what isn't working collapses so that something new can emerge.  The hope is that what emerges is more efficient, effective and higher functioning than before.  Uranus works with flashes of insight and ingenuity.  He can be quite helpful if you're willing to relinquish control and allow him to work his magic.  His energy is similar to that of lightning...a flash of brilliance that brings enlightenment, if only for a brief moment.  He brings the storm.  And you come out of it differently than when you entered it.This is a time in life that holds incredible transformative power that can feel both exciting and unnerving.  It can feel a bit like the famous "midlife crisis".  It can be that last big push to share your gifts with the world, as if you have tucked away your biggest dreams for a later day and that later day has arrived.  It may feel like it is time to create something big, to leave a legacy or it may be a time to completely reinvent yourself.This quote from Brene Brown rings true to the Uranus opposition time in life, "I think midlife is when the universe gently places her hands upon your shoulders, pulls you close, and whispers in your ear: "I'm not screwing around.  It's time.  All of this pretending and performing- these coping mechanisms that you've developed to protect yourself from feeling inadequate and getting hurt- has to go."Because of the retrograde movement, I am re-experiencing another push of Uranian energy in my life.  Last year, I was also experiencing Uranus transiting over the opposition point in my chart and during that time, I started my own business as a reiki practitioner and an astrologer.  It was my "Carpe Diem" time.  I got a little selfish in my family life and focused more on myself and started to share my long held dreams with the world.  Here I am again feeling the same push...but it is a little different this time. All of the other planets keep orbiting too...so it is never the same experience twice.Anyone between the ages of 42-44 is somewhere in the ballpark of their Uranus opposition. During this time, Uranus has traveled to the opposite point in the sky of where it was at the time of your birth.   For example, I am born in November 1975 so my natal Uranus is in 3-degrees of Scorpio.  Right now, Uranus is traveling retrograde through Taurus (the opposite sign of Scorpio) at 5-degrees.  It will continue to travel retrograde through the sign of Taurus where it will finally station direct at 2-degrees on January 10, the same day as Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Cancer.  Big changes....big, big changes...coming.Some of you may have heard of a Saturn return, as well.  A Saturn return is when Saturn returns to its original position in your birth chart and that takes about 30 years.  The Saturn opposition, which is when it is halfway to its original position, therefore takes about 15 years.  My daughter turns 15 on Sunday...and so, here we are.  She is coming up to her Saturn opposition just around the same time that I'm coming up to my Uranus opposition all of which is happening during eclipse season.  The universe has a funny sense of humor.  Uranus is further away from the sun than Saturn and orbits much slower, so it takes a longer journey through your birth chart.  And because the outer planets do move much slower, sometimes their transits are all the more powerful. The maturity I've developed over the years of my life will help with the transit so that I can still be a container for the change my daughter will be experiencing at the same time.  I'll keep you posted as to how we move through those transformations and opportunities together.So....how does all of this relate to my deep dive into contentment?Well....maybe its about holding the tension of the opposites and honoring both?I also think some of this has to do with the fact that Uranus is in the sign of Taurus, which is very slow to change.  Taurus is fixed earth and brings with it a slow, certain vibe of contentment.  It is a feeling of just being with what is and taking action from a place of inner stability and right action.Perhaps the blending of these energies is about me working my ass off day by day to transform the world into the vision I'm holding for myself, so that when the end of the day comes and I lay my head down on my pillow, there is contentment.  I think it really helps me also to remember to look at the progress I've made rather than to constantly look at that which remains unfinished.Contentment doesn't imply complacency or apathy...I think it is actually rooted in achievement.  The real question becomes how do you find contentment in the half-way point, in the "not-quite-there-yet" space?Here are some good Uranus quotes:"Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.""What makes you uncomfortable is your biggest opportunity for growth.""I had to make you uncomfortable, otherwise you never would have moved."  - The UniversePlay with these ideas inside of your own consciousness.  I know I am.  Everything feels very much like a process and an unfolding that is going to happen in its own divine timing.  And in the meantime, the laughter is good.   After all, laughter is the best medicine, and it reminds me to not take myself so seriously.Carpe diem,Ally  

Ally Ayala

This article was written by Ally Ayala, a professional astrologer and certified life coach. In her blogs, Ally shares practical insights into how the energies of the universe manifest in everyday life, even in the seemingly small moments that can carry profound significance. Her goal is to make astrology an integral part of our daily awareness.

Ally offers private astrology consultations for individuals, couples, and families. For more information, please visit her website.


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