let the stars

be your guide

Let the breath

be your prayer

A Journey with Spirit-  The Breathing Window
Uncategorized Ally Ayala Uncategorized Ally Ayala

A Journey with Spirit- The Breathing Window

I have fond memories of my childhood. I grew up on a small farm where my father gardened and my mother read me nursery rhymes to fall asleep, my brother was my playmate and my sister was always leading by example. As the youngest child, I often felt cared for and protected. Our lives revolved …

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New Moon in Cancer Solar Eclipse- July 12 2018
Uncategorized Ally Ayala Uncategorized Ally Ayala

New Moon in Cancer Solar Eclipse- July 12 2018

Take comfort in that which is familiar. There is consciousness in recognition. Re-cognition. Re-knowing something. Knowing something in a new way. When something old and painful, familiar and challenging enters your space, this is one of the greatest opportunities for healing, for finding a new freedom in relationship to it. Each time the familiar wound …

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