Standing at the Threshold

I've been thinking a lot about thresholds, that place where you come to the end of one experience and enter into a new experience.   Thresholds, doorways, entry/exit points…they hold a special kind of magic, a magic that can only be found where the two worlds touch, a place where there is a natural flow of coming and going.

Breathing at the Transition Point

There are natural thresholds in the body.  For example, there is a natural transition at the top of the inhale when the breath spills over into the exhale and at the bottom of the exhale when the breath turns upward again into the inhale.

Settle into a comfortable seated posture.

Take a deep breath that feels comfortable in your body.

Pause at the top of the inhale.

Retain your breath inside of your body and explore the sense of fullness.

Release the breath.

When you arrive at the bottom of the exhale, pause and explore the sensation of the emptiness.

Take three deep breaths in this way.When you come to the end of the third breath, ask yourself the simple question,"What is my next step?"Listen. Observe. Take note.

Recognizing when you’re residing in one of these energetic thresholds, and then, pausing for reflection and integration can be especially powerful.  A small breathing meditation like this one provides a sensory experience of how to consciously work with these energy portals inside of the body.

How does this relate to Astrology?

We have several planets that have been standing on the threshold of change over the past couple of weeks, including Mars, Uranus, Chiron and the SuperMoon in Virgo.  Check to see how they relate to your chart.  What houses are they in?  How do they relate to other planets in your chart?  Where does this SuperMoon, for example, show up in your chart and how is it relating to other planets in your chart?  If you need help with the answers to these questions, reach out and we can look through your birth chart together.

In keeping with the theme of thresholds, look for any planets located at 29 degrees or 0 degrees.  They take on a special significance.  (You could decide you want to work with a wider orb and look to planets from 28° and above, and 2° and below.) Your soul has a certain level of maturity and mastery of skills when a planet rests at 29°.  The journey has almost come to completion.  The lessons and experiences lie behind the traveler, and now, there is only the next step to take across the threshold into new territory.  However, the traveler may choose to pause, perhaps for reflection or perhaps to share stories, experiences, and essentially, their learned mastery with others.

New territory involving new lessons is represented by planets at 0°.  These planets are holding brand new experiences involving the exploration of completely new terrain for the soul.  There will be many new lessons, gifts, and challenges.  As you pause to contemplate where you’ve been and where you are going, open the doors to new opportunities with a sense of gratitude for what has been and gratitude for what is to come.  There is great freedom in fresh starts, and great possibility in exploring new places, people and things.  Enjoy the journey, honor the threshold and take that first step into the new phase of your life with confidence, grace and ease.

As Rumi reminds us in one of my favorite poems,

“The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you.Don't go back to sleep!You must ask for what you really want.Don't go back to sleep!People are going back and forth across the doorsill where the two worlds touch,The door is round and open.Don't go back to sleep!”

Beginning in April, I am offering a 6-week Womxn’s On-line Astrology Class entitled, Jupiter- King of Faith. We will do a deep dive into this great benefactor as he strides through his home sign of Sagittarius. You can register on my website at Feel free to reach out with any questions, excitement, good vibes.

Ally Ayala

This article was written by Ally Ayala, a professional astrologer and certified life coach. In her blogs, Ally shares practical insights into how the energies of the universe manifest in everyday life, even in the seemingly small moments that can carry profound significance. Her goal is to make astrology an integral part of our daily awareness.

Ally offers private astrology consultations for individuals, couples, and families. For more information, please visit her website.

Looking Through Jupiter's Eye


SuperMoon in Virgo Reiki Meditation