New Moon In Pisces
With 5 planets (The Sun, The Moon, Mercury, Saturn, and Neptune) plus the North Node currently moving through the sign of Pisces, we enter into very heart-centered, emotional waters. The Pisces realm is renowned for its sensitivity to even the subtlest cues from the surrounding environment (and beyond).
Pisces is ruled by both Jupiter (traditional) and Neptune (modern), which suggests a search for meaning guided by moments of expansive inspiration and profound contact with something greater than the self. There is a boundless and immeasurable quality to the auric field of Pisces, creating a permeability to their awareness, allowing them to intuit and perceive the world, both around them and within them, in vast, sometimes indescribable ways.
This leads to a great capacity to hold compassion & wisdom within the heart, at times overwhelmed by the suffering of self and others. The search for meaning may be rooted in an ambiguous longing to experience purity of Spirit, which is hard, if not impossible, to find in this world. Yet one keeps searching for it.
Longing and disappointment can be unidentified, nebulous feelings at the root of the Piscean journey. The desire to merge with the Divine is so strong, remaining always just out of reach, unattainable while in human form.
Pisces can sometimes wonder, “What am I even longing for? Will I even know when I’ve experienced it? Even if I do experience the divine, is there more beyond that?”. This is the endless conundrum of the Pisces realm.
The caution is to not become so swept up in the search for the divine, or the magical expanse of their own inner realms, that their journeys become rooted in escapism & addiction, a very real concern with this much Piscean energy.
Water, Yin, Mutable
As a Water sign, Pisces’ baseline energy is more “yin” in nature, suggesting natural receptivity & attunement that brings the outer world into the inner landscape of imagination, emotions, & intuitive insight. As a mutable sign, the inner world may constantly shift and change in response to the outer world.
The capacity to realize non-dual aspects of one’s true nature expands greatly here as boundaries dissolve under strong Neptunian influences.
The space between self and other merges, and one has to discern when that merging is helpful, or if it has stepped into a realm of enmeshment.
Saturn in Pisces
Water takes the shape of its container, and Saturn is a planet that provides the container. With this much Water in the sky, Saturn’s clearly delineated structures may be a welcome relief to this changeable, hard-to-define New Moon. The Saturnian challenge comes with the heavier emotions that this planet sometimes brings, which can include sadness, melancholy, and fear. The potential for feeling burdened with compassion fatigue or emotional overwhelm is high with this astrological signature, and Saturn may help establish boundaries as a way to counteract the Pisces’ tendency to absorb too much of the world around them.
“Boundaries are a pre-requisite for compassion and empathy. We can’t connect with someone unless we are clear about where we end and they begin. If there is no autonomy between people, then there’s no compassion or empathy, just enmeshment.”
Saturn brings a maturation process to this New Moon, teaching ways to be conservative, at times holding back from the urge to merge with everything. Structure and self-discipline may be helpful.
Remedies and Suggestions
Creativity really helps as it moves dreams and ideas from the imagination to form. It can also channel emotions into action. The potential for divinely inspired creativity is very high…just make sure it doesn’t get stuck in the imaginal realm. Bring it to form. Painting, playing music, or any kind of creative activity are great at this time.
Pisces may have a natural inclination to close their eyes and drift away. Eyes-open meditative practices that involve movement and external focus may bring more balance to the highly introverted nature of this New Moon.
Movement of any kind is good for this much water…stagnation can really stop the healthy flow of emotion. Dance, yoga, qi gong, or walking all get energy flowing.
Try the very sweet, simple meditation below.
A Few Pisces-Themed Questions for Contemplation:
How would you define compassion? Where does compassion come from?
What does the word “empathetic” bring up in you?
Have you ever found yourself lost in a day dream? Describe the experience.
What greater vision are you hoping to manifest into reality?
By answering the questions above, what are you realizing about the sign of Pisces?
Eclipse Season Starts Now
This New Moon initiates us into the beginning of eclipse season. There will be a Full Moon in Virgo Total Lunar Eclipse on March 14 followed by a New Moon Solar Eclipse on March 29.
Eclipses often bring an energy of “out with the old, in with the new”. The amount of light available is disrupted, and this can initiate a time of significant change and shifting circumstances.
This is the time of year when I offer Eclipse Consultations, which are a great way to keep track of major movements in your life. Feel free to book a session at my website or reach out to me by email at
As you move through this lunar cycle, more than anything it is important to let emotions flow while also engaging in healthy activity and creative expression. Take it one breath at a time, one step at a time, and keep moving towards the next right action. Listen within for your own inner knowing and allow your intuition to be your guide. If you need support during this time, feel free to contact me for coaching or astrological consultations at