First Quarter Moon in Libra

Half Moon with Flowers

Astrology is a study of consciousness that is a direct reflection of the soul’s journey. Put simply, astrology helps you understand yourself better. It helps you to align with the divine timing of your life and it reveals your life path/purpose with clarity. Astrology illuminates cycles of learning and patterns of growth that are directly connected to the soul.

This is an interesting weekend for astrology for several reasons:

1.)    We are at the midpoint of eclipse season. The storylines that began during Aries season are developing further as they lead into the upcoming Libra season. We are in the energy of the Cardinal Cross. If you have a significant amount of cardinal energy in your chart you may be feeling this acutely. The equinoxes and solstices hold extra gravitas this year. 

2.)    The rulers of the Aries-Libra nodal axis (where the eclipses take place) are receiving contact from outer planets.

 a.       Venus, ruler of the Libra South Node, is in the early degrees of Leo activating an opposition with Pluto in Aquarius. This brings up questions around power dynamics and one’s unique contribution within social groups or community settings. There is a profound transformation taking place. With Venus in warm, confident Leo, one might feel courageous enough to stand up and advocate for oneself, questioning how the core values of the individual fit into group dynamics, especially if they are misaligned, or in this case, diametrically opposed. This may lead to power struggles, or an abuse or loss of power, if one tries to conform to the group at the cost of oneself. Group dynamics may include family, social groups, professional groups, etc. Pluto often brings the collapse of old structures for new ways to be born.

 What is transforming deeply for you right now?

This moment in time reaches back to mid-February when Venus was conjunct Pluto. Think back to relationships tensions that were on full display at that time and consider how they might still be playing out. For those attuned to Reiki, this is a good time to work with HSZSN and send healing energy back in time to yourself in those moments.

 b.      Mars, ruler of the Aries North Node, is quickly approaching a conjunction to Uranus in Taurus. This is a signature of independence and liberation. Taurus tends to be a very calm sign, however, there is a stubbornness with Mars in Taurus that can be frustrating, and Mars in Taurus can also indicate the suppression of anger. With Mars and Uranus together, the potential for anger or conflict may be surprising and unexpected. Traditionally, Mars is in detriment in Taurus which adds to the challenge of this signature. Of all the planets in detriment, I feel this one to be a little tamer; however I have never had a mad bull rushing at me, so who knows?

 This moment in time reaches back to mid-November 2023 when Mars was in Scorpio. Think back to conflicts and challenges at that time and consider how things have developed. For those attuned to Reiki, this is a good time to work with HSZSN and send healing energy back in time to yourself in those moments.

3.)    The First Quarter Moon in Libra is bringing forth a crisis of action. As the Moon in Libra approaches the opening square with the Sun in Cancer, it contacts the South Node first. The South Node in Libra suggests shedding or releasing relationship patterns that are no longer working. Libra is an area of the zodiac that strives for fairness, equality, and justice (oftentimes unsuccessfully…because life is hard and most times not fair), and so there is a tendency to experience the imbalance of situations very acutely. Therefore, while they may be labeled as indecisive and “following along”, Libras can also be decisive and take the initiative, if necessary. They are very skilled at reading the situation and addressing what is most needed in the moment.

A good question to ask- What is one action to take that will thereby bring greater balance to the situation?

When I look at the entirety of this situation, in all honesty, there is a high potential for rupture within relationships. Resentments from the past could surface. Unresolved material from the past could surface. My hope is that this information provides empowerment, discernment, and wisdom in making choices. Foresight may help circumvent, diffuse, or reduce the impact of planetary energies.

This can be a time to have hard conversations. This can be a time to look at how conflicts and rupture are handled. However, with these planetary energies, this is going to take skill, presence, and consciousness. For each person, it will be different. With the Sun in Cancer, looking at how others tried to “keep the peace”, and how conflict was or was not managed within your family of origin, may bring valuable insight. Reviewing power dynamics and establishing healing strategies within family structures may be a central theme.

For me, personally, this has been an opportunity to sit with big questions around rupture and repair. I am contemplating my own patterns, many inherited, and I have had some good conversations with my teens. There has been a lot of healing in my closest relationships recently, and for that I am so grateful. It is always the highest priority.

Beyond the family circle, I am in deep inquiry around community and friendships. How much connection is necessary? When is it okay to withdraw for self-reflection? On one hand, I have stumbled across teachings from Brene Brown which suggests that true belonging only happens within the self, and at the same time, I have been listening to podcasts about the need for connection with others to heal trauma. I am in a genuine inquiry around this, and at times the two viewpoints feel diametrically opposed. With Saturn at 2-Leo, I am having a very personal experience of the Venus-Pluto opposition that requires boundaries, wisdom, and a sense of intrinsic value within relationships right now. Anytime I am holding a duality like this, it feels robust with wisdom and growth. I have wonderful family, friends, and colleagues to thank for holding space and listening as I go through this process. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

My sincere hope is that we all continue to grow and learn and heal.

Many Blessings,


The Cardinal Cross

Ally Ayala

This article was written by Ally Ayala, a professional astrologer and certified life coach. In her blogs, Ally shares practical insights into how the energies of the universe manifest in everyday life, even in the seemingly small moments that can carry profound significance. Her goal is to make astrology an integral part of our daily awareness.

Ally offers private astrology consultations for individuals, couples, and families. For more information, please visit her website.

New Moon in Capricorn


First Quarter Moon in Virgo