A Triple Conjunction: Letting Go to Begin Anew

A Triple Conjunction in Libra: Letting Go and Beginning Anew

Today October 8, and tomorrow October 9, we have a triple conjunction happening between Mercury (which is currently retrograde), the Sun and Mars at 15 and 16 degrees of Libra.  This triple conjunction caught my eye several weeks ago because I knew it was rare for both Mercury and Mars to join the Sun at the same time.  Mars is a much slower moving planet than Mercury, and yet their timelines have come together in this interesting, unique moment.

With the Sun-Mars conjunction, we have the beginning of a new Mars cycle that will unfold over the next 2 years…so that right there is significant, in and of itself.  However, in combination with that, we also have Mercury retrograde joining the Sun, which provides the beginning of a new Mercury cycle. So…we have two planets, both Mercury and Mars at the start of a new cycle. They are both at a point in their relationship to the Sun that is energetically like a New Moon, a moment when new seeds are planted. If those seeds are nurtured and given proper attention throughout the cycle, they will blossom.

This moment in time feels like a big pivot, turning you in a new direction, a place where endings and beginnings meet. It feels almost as if it is necessary to cut something away, or release something that may be holding you back in order to fully step into the new opportunities that want to arise. However, this process of individuation and personal growth can sometimes be challenging, especially in the sign of Libra, where we often find ourselves in a place of partnership and consideration for others. If relationships are out of balance or unhealthy in some way, this moment in time may present the opportunity for honestly communicating those concerns. In turn, that could lead to an ending of some sort so that you can start anew and turn towards a new path. I often say that it isn’t necessarily that the relationship itself must end, however, there may be a version of a relationship that needs to end because it isn't sustainable in its current dynamic, and the new version that wants to emerge can’t hold onto the past. 

I’m going to break this triple conjunction down into three parts: Sun Conjunct Mars, Mercury Rx Conjunct Sun, Mercury Rx Conjunct Mars

Sun Conjunct Mars at 15-Libra- Friday, October 8 in all major time zones

This is the first part of the conjunction because it happens first chronologically. Mars moves into the Heart of the Sun at 15-Libra on Friday October 8. As I mentioned before, this is a new beginning for Mars, where you may feel called to bold action. It’s possible that there is a goal or a mission that feels authentic to your life path that is being seeded within you now and will grow in its expression over the next two years. Or its possible that the beginnings of a new awareness around who you are and what you want to do with your life is starting to emerge. 

Technically speaking, in traditional astrology, this is a difficult aspect because both the Sun and Mars are not in ideal condition in the sign of Libra. The Sun is technically in its Fall and Mars is in detriment which can indicate difficulties or lessons to learn. Most people in life have experiences where relationships are challenging. It can be hard to figure out how to be ourselves in the world while remaining in partnership with others, and the Sun in Libra speaks to that in a very deep way. For example, if you go on a vacation with a friend, and you both want to do different things, move in different directions, how do you stay together? Do you go off on your own? Do you stay together but one person concedes? And if there is a pattern of one person conceding to another throughout a relationship, perhaps over a long period of time, what is the internal emotional environment of the person who always gives in?  

Mars, on the other hand, is a decisive planet that goes after what it wants. And when Mars is in Libra, she can’t quite do that…she must check, “Is it okay with you if I go that way because that’s what I want to do but I thought I’d check first?” This is not really a typical Mars conversation, so there can be some frustration that shows up with this placement. However, Mars in Libra can also point to excellence in debate skills and the ability to defend those who are underrepresented or unable advocate for themselves. There is a boldness here. The question will be how to do what you want while in relationship with another? Look to the Libra house in your chart for where this could be showing up.

At the exact moment of the conjunction, Mars is in the very auspicious Cazimi state, where she is moving through the Heart of the Sun. The ancients likened this to Mars whispering in the ear of the Sun…. like a special favor or privilege that only comes when your proximity to the leader allows you influence. But my concern is that with Mars in detriment, she might not be giving the best advice.

So, I think this points to challenges where there could be ego clashes with the Sun and Mars involved.  It could be that there are heated exchanges in partnership, or perhaps a confrontation on behalf of another who is unable to advocate for themselves.  This internal heat could also be within you, in your mindset...feeling decisive about asserting yourself in the direction you want to go and perhaps feeling impatient about getting started, and then the Libra energy swings in bringing in an indecisiveness and a pause. So you pause and the situation stays in your head swinging back and forth from "do I? or don't I?". This internal vacillation can be unsettling.

In my own experience, I have a very sick child at home (who happens to have a stellium in Libra), and I’m relieved to report all tests for Covid have come back negative. However, today I felt really galvanized to take action that felt necessary, to advocate on my child’s behalf at their school. So…always, always feel into the presentation of the planetary energy and how it is showing up for you, and then practice discernment around the next right action.

Mercury Rx Conjunct Sun at 16-Libra- Saturday Oct 9 in US, Canada, Europe; Sunday Oct 10 in Australia

Mercury moves retrograde into the Heart of the Sun on Saturday October 9.   This moment is known as the Inferior conjunction of Mercury, and it lets us know that we are halfway through the retrograde cycle. This is also likened to a New Moon energy, where the seeding of a new idea is happening in the dark. You might be totally unaware of it, or it might be a very subtle internal nudge of, “what about this?”  Or there are other times when we don’t know what we don’t know. It can only reveal itself in time. Turn your ear inward and listen deep for the authentic voice of your soul within you. There is a whisper there, and if you can’t sense what it is yet that is okay. The seed will grow from within you in time. This Mercury cycle will reach its full expression on November 28-29 when Mercury conjuncts the Sun at 7-Sagittarius.

Because Mercury is retrograde, this can be a good time to go over things. Return, review, revise. Take the time to double check things, because when you don’t know what you don’t know, there may be important details that are missed.  You may not even realize that it will be important until after the fact. This could be a sort of hindsight is 20/20, however astrology provides a bit of foresight, so time is your friend here even if the Mars energy is wanting things to move faster and more decisively. Take your time and listen with a discerning ear. Pausing before deciding may be really helpful in this scenario.

Mercury Rx Conjunct Mars at 16-Libra- Saturday Oct 9 in US and Canada; Sunday Oct 10 in Europe and Australia

Of all three conjunctions, this one is probably the most challenging. Chronologically speaking, this is the final part of the conjunction happening later in the day on October 9. Mercury Rx-Mars can be about sharp words and/or a heated exchange. There is also a possibility of advocating for, protecting or coming to the defense of someone who may not be able to stand up for themselves. For some, there may be an opportunity to finally say something, almost as if you can’t hold it back any longer, and the release of that energy may be necessary in order to have a fresh start. And if that is the case, and it is done with consciousness, then that would be another possibility of how you might work with this aspect.

Regardless, Mercury conjunct Mars suggests the exchange of heated words, and it is interesting that the initiation of these seed moments come at a time when we have to speak up and fight for something.  What seeds will those conversations plant?  What are you releasing in order to start fresh?

The chances that this is happening with another person are high due to the Libra influence, however, it could also be that you are experiencing this as a mental anxiety. Due to the Air element, and this being in the mental realm and the realm of relationships, there is a quality of the mind being unsettled and agitated. You could find yourself in a mental loop of irritation where you are replaying the same tape in your mind over and over, which can lead to feelings of impatience, which in turn can lead to reaction or making a rash decision. Being aware of this planetary dynamic and how it might show up within you, is hopefully empowering to you so that you can recognize the loop, break it, and make informed choices. If you can pause before taking actions, that might be helpful. The more consciousness you bring to the circumstances you find ourselves in, the better choices you can make.

How to Work with this Aspect:

This morning I found myself ruminating over the situation I am dealing with currently, and I pulled a card from my Oracle deck, which said the following:  Our Lady Who Gives Peace (seen the image below).

From Alana Fairchild's Deck, The Mother Mary Oracle

Turning to my oracle deck is one of my self care practices. It leads me to prayer and journaling and a lot of self discovery. This is the card I pulled this morning and it was the perfect message for me today.

In the image above, I just love that it incorporates colors that I associate with Mars (red) and Mercury (blue and white). There is a beauty and a balance to the card that feels very Libran to me. With the presence of the tree and the nest filled with eggs at the bottom with the bird above, there is a sense of the circular flow of the Air element, as well as the cycle of growth from a place of beginning to a place of expression.  And the word "peace" is a beautiful balancing word for the anxiety, impatience, or conflict that this triple conjunction may hold.   

There are many things that the card says, but one thing that stood out to me was this, “Handing over a concern to the Divine Mother can sound easier in theory than how it is experienced in practice. We might think that we are handing something over, but if we are worrying about it again in five minutes or five days, then we have taken it back again!” 

And I thought, ”how perfect. That is exactly what I needed to hear.” 

If you have mental health self-care practices that you know will help you feel a little more calm and centered, make those practices a part of your day. Physical exercise can really help burn off the heat of the Mars energy. This morning I danced my prayers and the movement really helped. A nice long hike through nature with a trusted confidante to whom you’re able to vent might be an option. Pausing to see where things are in a few days rather than deciding to move forward might be a good idea for some. Breath based exercises that require balance (like yoga, tai chi or qi gong) might be a nice go-to. And finally, journaling as a way of getting the thoughts out might be another option. 

If you would like to talk through your chart or things that you've been experiencing, please feel free to reach out to me. I am a counseling astrologer and I'm here for you.

And so, I leave you with this beautiful poem from one of my favorite poets, John O’Donohue because I feel like it captures the essence of this moment and the hope and the courage that comes with new beginnings. 

For a New Beginning

In out of the way places of the heart

Where your thoughts never think to wander

This beginning has been quietly forming

Waiting until you were ready to emerge.

For a long time it has watched your desire

Feeling the emptiness grow inside you

Noticing how you willed yourself on

Still unable to leave what you had outgrown.

It watched you play with the seduction of safety

And the grey promises that sameness whispered

Heard the waves of turmoil rise and relent

Wondered would you always live like this.

Then the delight, when your courage kindled,

And out you stepped onto new ground,

Your eyes young again with energy and dream

A path of plenitude opening before you.

Though your destination is not clear

You can trust the promise of this opening;

Unfurl yourself into the grace of beginning

That is one with your life’s desire.

Awaken your spirit to adventure

Hold nothing back, learn to find ease in risk

Soon you will be home in a new rhythm

For your soul senses the world that awaits you.

John O'Donohue

Ally Ayala

This article was written by Ally Ayala, a professional astrologer and certified life coach. In her blogs, Ally shares practical insights into how the energies of the universe manifest in everyday life, even in the seemingly small moments that can carry profound significance. Her goal is to make astrology an integral part of our daily awareness.

Ally offers private astrology consultations for individuals, couples, and families. For more information, please visit her website.


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