Life is Your Astrology Classroom

PiscesAn Every Day Example of How Astrology Shows Up Around MeFor many astrologers, this week has been a much-anticipated week with the arrival of three significant events packed into one 48-hour period.  We had Mercury going retrograde in Pisces on March 5th followed by the New Moon in Pisces on the morning of March 6th and ending with Uranus tipping over into the 0° of Taurus on the night of March 6th.  The New Moon was packed inside of two significant events.I’ve been considering writing a blog about these events for about a week, but I didn’t know what I was going to write or how it would be any different from what other astrologers wrote.  So, I waited and just relaxed into the flow of the moments around me.  I simply asked to be shown where to go and to whom.On the morning of March 6, I was so excited to bring in the new moon.  I planned to do a little longer morning meditation with a full tarot reading and clear the house of any clutter or dead space.And of course, my phone starts chiming as my youngest daughter has forgotten an art project at home.  I realize that I’m not going to be able to do the meditation I originally planned…so, I just focus on cleaning the house to an acceptable level and then I head off to the school.I’m already aware that I’m experiencing a little Mercury retrograde as I’m driving to the school, however, it didn’t seem very significant on the way.  On the way home in a few hours, I would feel significantly more awestruck by the way astrology was showing up for me.I should mention that as a Sagittarius rising, I have Pisces landing in my 3rd house, the House of Communication…which means that this particular Mercury Retrograde in Pisces is hitting me in the sweet spot.  Mercury is reversing direction and backtracking right through my house of communication.   So…in all honesty, I have been expecting to have a couple of things pop up for me over the next couple of weeks.Mercury rules the 3rd house and is known as the planet of communication.  Mercury thrives inside of this house that includes speaking, writing, teaching, and learning, in general.  And we can expand the third house even further in scope to include all of the senses working together for the purpose of information gathering, perception, and consciousness.   Communication is a two-way experience.  We listen, we consider and then we speak.  And vice versa.  What a person says in their body language may actually speak louder than any words.  The third house can also bring in the energies of siblings, neighborhoods and childhood education.To get back to the story, I’m aware of all of these things as I’m arriving at the school to drop off the art project.  I successfully drop off the project, but on my way to leave, I see several familiar parents entering the building.  I pause and think to myself, “hmmm…something must be going on for 6th-grade parents that I’m forgetting or that I obviously didn’t put on the calendar.”Regardless, I stop and ask a parent.Turns out there is a meeting for parents to talk about an upcoming week-long camping trip for the 6th grade. I figure, well, “I’m already here.  I don’t have any clients scheduled this morning.  I’ll just stay for the presentation.”From my perspective, I was going with the flow of the moment as it presented itself to me.  (Very Piscean in a way, a lot like water).I head to the auditorium with the mom I asked (someone I hadn’t spoken to in quite some time- another Mercury Retrograde moment) and sat down for the presentation.As the presentation began, I realized that I had seen this presentation before, or at least something very similar to it, when my older daughter attended the same camping trip two years prior.  So, I’m repeating the experience of watching the presentation while I realize that I am surrounded by several parents I have not seen in months.  (Mercury Retrograde)As the images played out on the screen, the woman leading the presentation described the activities the girls would be taking part in, including canoeing, pioneering, lots of research on the tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay, beach cookouts. There are images of kids holding fish.  All of this has ignited a voice in my mind that is silently cheering, “Pisces, Pisces, Pisces”. (Pisces- symbolized by two fish swimming in opposites directions, ruler of rivers, waterway and currents.)There were so many photos of boats, canoes, rivers, and waterways with children learning through multi-sensory, direct experience.  Add in the fact that this is all happening for middle school children who are receiving their education in a neighborhood-based private school, and we see the Third House energies showing up loud and clear.  (Third House- multi-sensory communication, learning through direct experience, early education, neighborhoods).So- why am I sharing this really practical example from my personal life.  Because a lot of times when an astrologer says something like, “You have Mercury Retrograde in Pisces transiting your Third House.”  people will ask, “Well, what does mean?”My answer almost every time is, “Well, you have to live it to see how it shows up.”The only way to know what it means is to live in the moment and see how it reveals itself to you and for you.It’s a recognition that happens in simple, everyday moments.Life is your astrology classroom.shutterstock_60803848 

Ally Ayala

This article was written by Ally Ayala, a professional astrologer and certified life coach. In her blogs, Ally shares practical insights into how the energies of the universe manifest in everyday life, even in the seemingly small moments that can carry profound significance. Her goal is to make astrology an integral part of our daily awareness.

Ally offers private astrology consultations for individuals, couples, and families. For more information, please visit her website.

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